Monday, April 22, 2002

i think i scrubbed my tongue with my toothbrush too hard, cuz everything i eat is super sensitive on the tongue. anyway, had a fabulous weekend, which will be documented in my other blog on another note, MAD props to jeremy, my hero and roxanne (you'd get bold if you had a penis rox) for helping me with the loft!!!!! you guys are my favorites.
and my final thought of the night is a quote, which is to be prefaced by the blurb that roxanne and i were walking back from lot91 in the rain, with long pants on, therefore she and i rolled them up, me in flip flops, rox in brown clogs with navy socks:
L: "rox, i gotta say... your feet are lookin' pretty butch there."
R: "did you just call my feet butch? i happen to think my feet are my best quality, aside from, of course, my breasts.
L: "yeah, from knees down, def. butch"
R: [pouts]

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