Friday, April 16, 2004

While ever-so-grateful to have my co-op experience at GE, I am less than a month from returning to work for the summer, yet dreading it for my least-favorite three-worded fashion un-statement: steel-toed-shoes. Yup, I got a position in the manufacturing plant. Safety aside, I wouldn't be caught dead in Doc Martens or Sketcher Steel-toes to save my life... instead I have pined over new Nine Wests and Enzo's... have hit up The Limited and Banana to buy some merchandise deemed fashionable in the otherwise "un" Fort Wayne. When picturing my summer job at a Fortune-5 company, I imagined cropped pants, pointed heels, ballerina flats, printed button downs... now I'm left to try and find a pair of shoes comparable to these. So much for going out and buying new work clothes! Not to sound trite, but seriously: what is a girl to do?

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